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BugHunter Micro - Mini RF Bug Detector

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BugHunter Micro - Mini RF Bug Detector



BugHunter Micro MK-01 is our smallest bug detector yet. This counter-surveillance bug detector is smaller than a credit card. BugHunter Micro will detect radio frequency signals from 10 to 3500 MHz which is rare in such a small gadget. With a built-in antenna and sensitivity over 100 mW, it is in a class all on its own in effectiveness.


bughunter micro rf bug detectorWhat makes it better?

BugHunter products are designed and made in Russia by experts in counter-espionage. Their range of bug detectors are superior in design and production.

- Compact design

- High sensitivity (50 mV/m) allows it to detect radio bugs from 16 feet and cell phones from 164 feet away

- Frequency range of 10 to 3500 MHz

- Wide dynamic range of 70 dB
- Detects analog and digital bugs
- Built-in antenna allows you to adjust the sensitivity and find low frequency bugs


BugHunter Micro is effective at finding rf bug frequencies in small search areas with the ability to detect radio signals with only 5mW of power from up to 16 feet (5meters) away. It will detect cell phones as far as 164 feet (50 meters) away. These impressive specifications allow it to scan and locate the majority of video and audio eavesdropping wireless transmitting devices.


How it Works!

BugHunter Micro gives you the power of advanced bug detectors in an ultra-compact design. The simple interface allows you to turn the detector on and off, increase or decrease the sensitivity, and view detected frequency strength in 6 different levels.

Despite the compact size, BugHunter Micro houses a built-in antenna which increases its range and accuracy. It also allows you to increase or decrease the sensitivity. The compact design allows you to use the bug sweeper in tight spaces such as bags and purses.

BugHunter Micro can detect a wider dynamic range compared to similar devices. It has a range of 70 dB which is essential in situations that have both powerful signals such as cell phones and weak signals which is typical of most bugs. This helps you find bugs despite “noisy” conditions.

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BugHunter Micro - Mini RF Bug Detector

BugHunter Micro - Mini RF Bug Detector
